Most every youth worker knows he/she should help parents as part of their youth ministry job… but, the truth is, most youth workers don’t have the knowledge or the time to effectively help parents. Your friends (Doug Fields & Josh Griffin) at Youth Ministry University want to help youth workers solve those problems by providing some easy-to-use wins that parents will greatly appreciate.
In this parenting course titled Parenting for a Faith that Lasts, youth ministry experts and veteran parents tackle helpful topics that your parents will appreciate. These 6 videos won’t solve all their parenting issues, but they’ll definitely provide some help parents are looking for and they’ll send a message that you (as the youth worker) are taking steps to help them win in practical ways.
Use these training videos however you want with parents. You can either send parents a log-in for them to watch them on their own… or, you can show one or more videos at a parents’ night-type-event.
This course is packed with a who’s who of youth ministry veterans teaching on these important topics:
- Dr. Sean McDowell: Parenting Today's Digitally Native Generation
- Katie Edwards: How to help teenagers develop lifelong faith?
- Dr. Kara Powell: Teenagers & Anxiety
- Mark Oestreicher: Understanding the Teenage Brain
- Heather Flies: The Middle School Years: From Dependence to Independence
- Dr. Jim Burns: Energizing Your Kids’ Faith