Youth Ministry Course 401

You’re almost done! 7 MORE sessions on teamwork, shepherding, speaking, staying sharp, asking ?’s & sex!


Congratulations! If you’re taking the 401 Course you’re in the home-stretch toward a very fancy YMU Certificate in Youth Ministry (you must complete 101-401 to receive the certificate).

We’ve saved 401 to include some more advanced training on what makes a healthy youth ministry team and how you can last for the long-haul. We’ve also included a frank discussion on talking to students about sex (you’re welcome).

Each Session with the Youth Ministry 401 Course includes: (1) 10-minute training videos, (2) a downloadable outline, and (3) a fun, interactive, quiz and reflection platform (for those who want to turn this into a Youth Ministry Certificate). It's learning made easy... at your speed.

  • SESSION 1: Five Characteristics of a Healthy Team (Doug Fields)
  • SESSION 2: Caring for All and Connecting with a Few (Doug Fields)
  • SESSION 3: Speaking to Teenagers (Doug Fields)
  • SESSION 4: Learnings to Ask Great Questions (Scott Rubin)
  • SESSION 5: Staying S.H.A.R.P. as a Leader (Virginia Ward)
  • SESSION 6: How to Talk to Students About Sex (Jim Burns)
  • SESSION 7: NEW!! Growing Young - One Big Idea to Help Develop Your Student’s Potential  (Kara Powell)

It’s time for you to get trained – sign up today!

NOTE: If you're the lead youth worker, family pastor, CE director, senior pastor (basically, anyone overseeing youth ministry) you might want to check out our Bundle (101-401) that includes a license agreement so your volunteers can receive on-demand training throughout the year and (if they want) complete a Certificate in Youth Ministry.

Doug Fields & Josh Griffin’s 50+ year combined years of youth ministry experience is now available to help train, shape, and resource you as a youth worker. In addition, they’ve invited some of the key thought leaders in youth ministry to chime in and add to your youth ministry education. Each class is only 10 minutes long and filled with wisdom, insight, and helpful tips to make you more effective. Experience one Course… or, better yet, complete all 27 Sessions (Courses 101-401) to receive a YMU certificate and join the growing list of YMU graduates.