Course Library

Youth Ministry 101
Session 1: Healthy Leaders Are Continual Learners (Josh Griffin)
Session 2: Understanding Relational Ministry (Doug Fields)
Session 3: Remembering Names in Youth Ministry (Doug Fields)
Session 4: Three Essential Traits for All Youth Workers (Jessica Sanchez)
Session 5: Understanding the Students You’re Working With (Chap Clark)
Session 6: Pastoral Care for Teenagers (Katie Edwards)

Youth Ministry 201
Session 1: Ever Wonder If You’re Making a Difference? (Josh Griffin)
Session 2: Enhancing Relational Ministry (Doug Fields)
Session 3: Discipline in Youth Ministry (Doug Fields)
Session 4: The 10-Minute Rule (Josh Griffin)
Session 5: How to Be a Good Youth Worker on Social Media (Josh Griffin)
Session 6: Understanding Mental illness (Craig Lomax)
Session 7: Suicide Detection and Prevention (Craig Lomax and Josh Griffin)

Youth Ministry 301
Session 1: Digital Discipleship (Walt Mueller)
Session 2: Understanding Youth Culture (Jonathan McKee)
Session 3: Avoiding Burnout (Doug Fields)
Session 4: Are You a Friend or the Leader? (Josh Griffin)
Session 5: 5 Ways to Care for Teens When They’re Hurting (Doug Fields)
Session 6: Sharing My Personal Failure Stories (Heather Flies)

Youth Ministry 101
Session 1: Five Characteristics of a Healthy Team (Doug Fields)
Session 2: Caring for All and Connecting with a Few (Doug Fields)
Session 3: Speaking to Teenagers (Doug Fields)
Session 4: Learning to Ask Great Questions (Scott Rubin)
Session 5: Staying S.H.A.R.P. as a Leader (Virginia Ward)
Session 6: How to Talk to Students About Sex (Jim Burns)
Session 7: Growing Young - One Big Idea to Help Develop Your Student’s Potential (Kara Powell)

Purpose Driven Youth Ministry
Introduction: Purpose Driven Youth Ministry
Session 1: The Youth Leader's Spiritual Life
Session 2: Understanding the 5 Biblical Purposes
Session 3: The Students You Can Reach
Session 4: Moving Toward a Healthy Youth Ministry [Pt. 1]
Session 5: Moving Toward a Healthy Youth Ministry [Pt. 2]
Session 6: Leading Others - Bringing Out the Best in Your Team

Developing Student Leaders
Session 1: Why Student Leadership?
Session 2: Starting Students in Leadership
Session :3 Teaching Students Leadership Principles (Part 1)
Session 4: Teaching Students Leadership Principles (Part 2)
Session 5: Creating Leadership Labs
Session 6: Debriefing Leadership Experiences

First Few Years of Marriage
Chapter 1: One Marriage, Many Drifts, Thousands of Course Corrections
Chapter 2: Happiness Is a Choice
Chapter 3: Laugh Daily and Date Weekly
Chapter 4: Slow Down
Chapter 5: Celebrate Differences
Chapter 6: Choose the Positive
Chapter 7: Fight Fear
Chapter 8: Have Great Sex
Chapter 9: Enjoy Your Baby
Chapter 10: Keep Your Promise

Understanding Your Teen
Session 1: Understanding Your Teenager
Session: 2 Energizing Your Teen’s Spiritual Life
Session 3: Creating a Media-Safe Home
Session 4: Teaching Healthy Sexuality
Session 5: Homework, Communication and Culture
Session 6: Your Marriage and Troubled Teenagers

Evidence For Faith
Session 1: What is Apologetics?
Session 2: What is True
Session 3: Tackling the Big Questions
Session 4: Positive Evidence for the Christian Faith
Session 5: Is Jesus God?
Session 6: The Resurrection of Jesus

Quick Hits Training Library
Session 1: Adoptive Church: Integrating Emerging Generations Into the Family of Faith (Chap Clark)
Session 2: Pastoring LGBTQ+ Teenagers (Mark Oestreicher)
Session 3: Ministering to Parents of Hurting Kids (Katie Edwards)
Session 4: Ministering to Both Genders (Heather Flies)
Session 5: Helping Busy Families Talk About Faith (Kara Powell)

Developing a Family Ministry
Session 1: Developing a Strategy for Family Ministry, The Strategy
Session 2: Support and Facilitate Healthy Families, The Support
Session 3: Develop Faily Ministry Values, The Values

Parenting For a Faith That Lasts
Session 1: Dr. Sean McDowell: Parenting Today's Digitally Native Generation
Session 2: Katie Edwards: How to help teenagers develop lifelong faith?
Session 3: Dr. Kara Powell: Teenagers & Anxiety
Session 4: Mark Oestreicher: Understanding the Teenage Brain
Session 5: Heather Flies: The Middle School Years: From Dependence to Independence
Session 6: Dr. Jim Burns: Energizing Your Kids’ Faith

Quick Hits Training Library 2
Session 1: Tips for Teaching Teenagers (Theo Davis)
Session 2: Navigating Change in Your Ministry (Albert Tate)
Session 3: The Importance of Belonging (Mark Oestreicher)
Session 4: Keychain Leadership (Dr. Yulee Lee)
Session 5: Ministering to Both Genders (Heather Flies)

Youth Ministry Programming Like a Pro
Session 1: The Key to Effective Programming
Session 2: Go with the flow (of service)
Session 3: Hosting 101
Session 4: Hosting 201
Session 5: 6 Things To Stop Saying From Stage
Session 6: 6 Questions To Evaluate Your Program

Quick its Volume 3
Session 1: Learning to Listen
Session 2: Your Youth Ministry Calling
Session 3: Inspiring You to be Creative
Session 4: How to Have Great Conversations with Teenagers
Session 5: 10 Tips for Being a Great Volunteer at Camps & Events
Session 6: Your Best Ministry Self
Session 7: Great Parent Ministry

I Want to Be a Student Leader
Lesson 1: The Leadership Lie: Leadership is Reserved Only for Adults
Lesson 2: The Good News: Leadership is All About Serving Others
Lesson 3: Leadership Lessons: Love, Pray, Encourage & Be Humble
Lesson 4: Leadership Advance Tips: Teamwork, Positivity, Prayer & The Cost of Leadership
Lesson 5 Fear of Risk: Have No Fear

NEW! Ministry Safe Child Safety Â
Session 1: Introduction
Session 2: Facts & Misconceptions: Part 1
Session 3: Facts & Misconceptions: Part 2
Session 4: The Grooming Process: Part 1
Session 5: The Grooming Process: Part 2
Session 6: The What: An Effective Safety System
Session 7: The How: Accessing and Implementing